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The Light of Christ Burning Within You

Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” John 1:5 says, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” You will never be overcome by darkness. When Christ's light shines inside of you, then you will always have what you need to overcome this world. There is an illusion in the minds of many Christians that they are still bound to this world. It isn’t true. You may feel like you are bound, but truthfully in Christ, you are free. Recently, I prayed for a woman to be freed from a demon of fear. It was dealt with, but the woman wrote me a couple of days later and asked me to pray for her, because the demon was back. I said, “Why did you let it come back?” She didn’t understand what I meant. In her mind, she was bound to this demon, and she could see no way out. Her expectation was that she would be bound to it for a much longer time. Because this was her expectation, she gave licence to her own torment. Her mind is still bound and has not overcome. The only thing you can do in such a situation is to pray that the Holy Spirit arrests this person, and helps them to come to freedom. Your feelings should not be trusted. To trust your feelings in the face of God’s truth, is to believe lies. He came to set you free; there is nothing that can bind you any longer. He who has the son has been set free, he is free indeed. Your daily prayer should not be “set me free” because you are free. Your daily prayer should be: “thank you for your freedom, and show me why I have overcome this world.” Demons come at me from time to time. I just tell them to get lost. I have no time for that nonsense anymore. I am not just saying this either. The enemy is not my equal. Jesus died and set me free from the reign of the enemy, so I am not going to choose to remain in fear. The only place for him is underneath my feet (Romans 16:20). When you came to Christ, you went on a “cosmic carpet ride” into the glory realm. He lifted you immediately into the same place that he sits with his Father. By his grace you were saved. You don’t have to earn steps to greater glory, you just have to receive the revelation that you are already there. Our life in Christ is all about learning this truth. But there are distractions: all the difficult thoughts that we have about our lives; and all the concerns about the sin that reigns in our members. This is just the enemy trying to sidetrack you. If he can keep you down he feels he “has” you. The truth is he doesn’t have you. God has you, and you are daily being enfolded into his arms. You are being moulded into the image of Christ. He is changing you from glory to glory. This isn’t about climbing a ladder, it is more about receiving the revelation of who you already are. You don’t need to earn the way deeper into the heart of God; you just receive it. Isaiah 60:1-3 says, “Arise, shine, For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, And HIs glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, And Kingdoms to the brightness of your dawning. Just begin to accept the idea that you shine. You received Christ, so your spirit is shining. You may not feel like it, or you may not realize it, but Christ is living inside of you. He is glowing for everyone to see. You may have good days, and you may have bad days, but Jesus loves you, and he is transforming you into his glorious light. Your mind is being healed and you shall overcome, simply because you confessed his name and asked him to become real in your life. Matthew 4:16 says, “The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, And upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death light has dawned.” That is you and that is me. You may feel dead in every area of your life, but the light of Jesus is dawning. You may not feel that anything good can come out of your life, but the light of Jesus is dawning. The power of death is destroyed, and you will overcome. Jesus light is life, and brings peace to everyone who enters into it. I declare over you today that you are entering into the fires of God. You are entering into the baptism of Fire by the Holy Spirit, and your righteousness is about to shine in ways you never imagined. Jesus is going to be zealous in your heart and you are going to be bold like a lion. The next season is going to be a great season for you. Your little light is going to shine.

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