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The Glory Train

I am not sure when I first heard of the Glory Train, but it has represented revival to me. I have actually seen the train in visions and dreams many times. Years ago, I was a part of a revival in the Ottawa Valley. One night, I saw the glory train in a dream. It was winding its way through the valley, and glory was being released wherever it went. That Ottawa Valley revival touched thousands. Many healings took place and many were prophesied over. People’s lives were shifted into the blessings of the Lord. Kathie Walters is a close friend of mine. Many years ago, she came to my region. At the time, I was so new to all the manifestations of the presence. I had no idea the things that I would see in the years ahead. She told me that she saw me being given a glory tie. From that day till now I have seen thousands of miracles in meetings. To me the glory is the presence of God. As we honor him and make him front and centre in our lives, his presence comes strongly to us. In the Glory is everything I need, and mostly that is the character of God’s heart resting on my own. In his presence is fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11), and His peace that transcends all understanding (Philippians 4:7). When these come fully into my heart, I am in the shelter of the Most High. It is the place of safety from every earthly storm. I have traveled to many nations, and will travel to many more. Everywhere I go, the presence of God invades atmospheres and changes people’s lives. I have seen the glory invade rooms and healings have come. I have seen angels manifest that bring fire and deliverance. I have seen oil miracles, gold miracles and gemstone miracles. I have seen rain fall in rooms and I have seen even stranger things. This use to scare me, because people started calling me a false prophet when the miracles began. I had to learn to preach the name of Jesus’ like I had never done before. In every meeting I declared that miracles, signs and wonders follow the preaching of the gospel. I declared that the gospel is that Jesus came and died, and rose again so that you and I would not have to remain in the torment of the old nature. The first miracle that Jesus performed was turning the water into wine (John 2:1-11). This was a prophetic act; which I believe represented what Jesus came to do in the earth. He transformed dirty water from ceremonial cleansing pots into what was considered the very best wine. This was a prophetic description of the miracle that Jesus does in every believer that turns to him. His glory comes and transforms them from the old nature into the new – all by the grace of God. The Glory Train is a release of heaven’s atmosphere into earth. In this collision of heaven to earth, comes the most beautiful array of glory. People are shifted from glory to glory and from strength to strength. They are made new, they begin to journey deeper into truth and then deeper into the destinies that God has for their lives. They become carriers of his presence. When the glory of God manifest through our lives, you and I are the ones that change the world. In Christ, you become a part of the glory train. Out of your inner man flows rivers of living water (John 7:38). Wherever you go, people’s lives will be shifted from the old into the new, by no power of your own, but by the power of Jesus Christ living within you. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you (Acts 1:8). for he (the Holy Spirit) lives with you and will be in you (John 14:17). When you accept this by faith, and operate in it from a place of certainty, many signs and wonders will follow your life. You will not hesitate to believe because everywhere you have gone it has happened, so therefore everywhere you will go, it will continue to happen. Imagine now what God is doing. See with your eyes of faith and believe in your heart this promise: there is a mighty army of people that are rising with the certainty in their heart that they are victorious in Christ Jesus. Everywhere they go, things will shift and change. Do you see it? You are seeing what is about to happen in the earth. God is doing it. You can be a part of that train. God will use you to do great things. This is the season; the beginning of a great wave of glory being released in the earth. I declare you will ride that wave. Blessings to you, ​Darren

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