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The Hour of the Moving Elijahs

I believe that we are in a major season of transition for the Prophetic Community. We are about to seize shifts in the way people live their lives. We are about to see people move from one place to another. Resources that could be counted on in one season will shrivel up in the next. People will have to move at the word of the Lord in order to stay in the place of mission and provision.

This is the season of the moving Elijahs. I believe we are now in a time of transition from the river Kebar to the widows house. If you remember that story correctly Elijah was taken care of at the river.

1 Kings 17:2-4

Then the word of the Lord came to Elijah. Leave here, turn eastward and hide in the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan. YOu will drink from the brook, and I have directed the ravens to supply you with food there.

Foir the three years that he was there he was taken care of by the ravens. But eventually the brook dried up and he had to move at the command of the Lord to a new place where the supernatural would begin to happen again in a new way.

1 Kings 17:7-9

Some time later the brook dried up because there had been no rain in the land. Then the word of the Lord came to him: “Go at once to Zarephath in the region of Sidon and stay there. I have directed a widow there to supply you with food.”

He went from being supplied by the ravens to being supplied by a poor widow.

It must have been very difficult for Elijah during this transition. He must have faced a lot of anxiety and inner turmoil at the prospect of leaving a place that was familiar to traveling to a new place where he wasn’t sure if His provision would be supplied. Even though his provision in the previous season was supernatural it became natural for him to depend on how God was supplying for him and now he was going to have to trust God in a new way.

When you are walking out of an old season into a new season there can be a lot of discouragement, misunderstanding and even anxiety. Old contacts begin to disappear as new ones start appearing. People who walked with you for a long time stop supporting you and you wonder how you are going to make it through. But if you were really walking with God in the last season your supply was supernatural. Your provision although it may have appeard to come in a natural way was actually God’s provision. One well may cease up but God will provide ina new way. You may just have to walk to the new place with Him.

I am there now. This is a new season. It can be very difficult on the mind. For me some of the relationships I had in the last season are not fruitful anymore. Some of my friends are not even ministering now. People who I looked to as shining lights are not shining so brightly right now. Resources that once came from certain supporters dried up and I am wondering what is next.

God can be very persistent in the way he speaks also. He began to speak to me of a change of seasons many months ago. Prophetic voices began to speak to me and I began to see changes. I had one dream in which I heard the Lord say prepare to sell you house, and so I began to do just that.

And then the Lord began to speak more loudly. I said to Him I need to hear about what you want me to do from people who do not normally prophesy over me and then suddenly that began to happen. One prophet from Kenya, who is a friend, called me and began to share the story of Elijah above, and then he said, “This is your season of shift and supernatural change of provision.”

Then another woman who is a Prophet called me. I had heard from her in 8 years and she began to tell me the same thing and then a third prophet called me from the USA and guess what he began to share the same thing again.

When your resources begin to dwindle and God begins to speak of a shift you need to prepare to shift God is preparing something for you. Your life is hidden in Him. You are not going to accomplish will according to His purposes for your life. You may not understand what He has in store for your season ahead but He has things worked out for you in that season.

You may have fear. The way forward may seem impossible but God can provide for you even from a poor widow’s house because nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37). Surrender to His will.

I had one other dream recently. I saw these amazing shoes that God had prepared for me, but in the dream I decided to try to walk in another man’s shoes. I couldn’t walk well in those shoes. In fact those shoes were tied together at the laces. I looked back and saw my shoes on the ground behind me and knew I had to put them back on. They were so light I could fly in them. I woke up realising that I had to live according to faith. I have to step out in ways that I have stepped out in the past. I can’t live my faith wearing another man’s shoes. I have to live my faith my way honoring God’s voice for my life.

I pray for you today. I pray that God will strengthen you and help you to overcome in the season ahead. You may have difficult decisions to make. You may have to move from the river to the widow’s house but I declare that by the power of Jesus you shall do just that.

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