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The Dromedaries are Coming - Supernatural Provision

As I was waking this morning I kept hearing over and over “Dromedary, Dromedary, Dromedary.” I honestly forgot what the word meant. I knew that it was referenced in the bible but I couldn’t remember the meaning, so I googled it. It is a particular breed of camel. It is the one hump camel that is used on the Arabian peninsula and was domesticated for use about 4000 years ago.

Isaiah 60:5-7 Then you will look and be radiant, your heart will throb and swell with joy; the wealth on the seas will be brought to you, to you the riches of the nations will come. Herds of camels will cover your land, young camels of Midian and Ephah. And all from Sheba will come, bearing gold and incense and proclaiming the praise of the Lord.

I think that most wild prophetic people have heard someone say, “THE CAMELS ARE COMING.’ What we mean when we say this is that wealth is coming into your household. I started noticing camels many years ago. Everytime I noticed one an excitement would rise inside of me and I knew that financial breakthrough was coming. This started to happen.

I would see a camel on a sign and within two days I would often get $1000 or $2000 of unexpected money.

Two days ago I was watching an old movie. Someone was wearing a sport coat that the main guy in the movie admired. He asked Him, “Why is this material so soft?” The man responded that it was “Camel wool!” Well my entire family is aware of the prophetic significance of the camel so when we heard that we laughed knowing htat God was saying to expect financial breakthrough to come quickly, and it did. The next day unexpected began to come into our account, up to $1000.

God has a language that is very different than our language. Prophetic people spend their lives trying to understand the way God speaks. As we pursue Him it is very exciting when we hear Him. When God speaks He doesn’t lie to you or try to trick you. What He says to you He means and so a joy rises in your heart when He does. This joy and peace that comes from His voice is one of the ways I recognize His voice. God is good and His voice is wonderful.

So when I hear Dromedary which is a word I don’t even normally use and then learn that it is camel I expect breakthrough, but when I hear it over and over it is as if God is yelling it to me and so I expect great breakthrough, which I certainly can use and I am sure that many of you can use that breakthrough also.

My ministry is a ministry of faith so I expect the camels to come every week carrying provision to my tent. I believe the camels represent angelic breakthrough. I believe there are financial angels assigned to our lives. Abraham recognized this when he told his servant to go into his father's homeland to find a bride for his son Isaac. He said angels will go before you prosper your way.

I know that what I am saying makes some people uncomfortable. I don’t mind that anymore. I will say these things anyway because I know that there are many of you out there that are seeing similar things and you are wondering if God speaks that way. He does and I for one am very glad He does. He is a good guy who lets us hear His voice.

What is God saying to you today. Perhaps you are seeing a pattern emerge as you go about your life. Have you been hearing something but don’t have an understanding of what it means just continue to pursue Him. Continue to ask Him to give you revelation. I believe God wants to give you revelation.

Revelation is really just God’s perspective and solution to your life’s questions I not only believe that God has the answers to our questions, I also believe He plants the questions so that we will seek particular answers. He has done this to me many times.

Ezekiel 47: 6-8 He asked me. “Son of man, do you see this?”

Then he led me back to the bank of the river. When I arried there, I saw a great number of trees on each side of the river. He said said to me, “This water flows toward the eastern region and goes down into the Araban, where i enters the Dead Seas. When it empties into the seas, the salty water becomes fresh.”

In this passage we see God asking a man what He sees. Not only does he plant a question but then we see giving Him the answer. This is the kind of relationship that I want with God. I want Him to plant questions and then the answers. Much revelation and wisdom will come this way. So many people pray empty prayers when they should be praying "God what do you want me to see?"

I pray for you today and ask God to open up your heart and mind to hear His voice. I also pray that your financial breakthrough will come. Most of us need such a breakthrough many times in our life. Whatever you are believing for today I come into agreement with you for breakthrough in God’s way and in His time.

Blessings to you,

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