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God's Voice Elevates and Lifts You up to a Different Place

I want to encourage you today not to give up on the Lord. In his time he will make all things new in your life. He will provide for you and he will heal your brokenness. I love my God so much because what I am saying here are not just words but I have come to know for certain that He is a good father. There are times that I feel down about my own life. It happens when I begin to compare myself to others. Perhaps like you there are times that I just don’t feel my life is good enough. I am not happy enough or I am not rich enough, or I am not quite good looking enough. There are times that I feel that I am not as effective a minister as I could be and that others are more effective. When I come to this place in my heart I begin to seek God anew. You see these thoughts are not God’s thoughts for my life. When I begin to be overwhelmed with this negativity I ask Him to show me what he thinks about my life. The key is to place yourself firmly in the Lord’s hands – to remain in the shelter of the Most High. To repent when he says repent and to forgive when he says forgive. We must keep ourselves in the place of humility. We must never be proud for long. We should ask God to help us stay within the place of His spirit and his presence. When we do times of great refreshing come to us (Acts 3:19). You see when you are in Christ, then God’s voice has a way of elevating you from the problems of this world. A year ago I entered into full time ministry. The Lord specifically told me that he wanted me to operate my ministry not as a charity, but as a small business. This concerned me in the natural because I was worried about the amount of taxes I would have to pay. But I knew this was the Lord’s voice for my life. So I began to ask God about paying taxes. I knew I always had to be honest because God would know if I was not. So that meant my taxes could be high if a lot of income came in. As I sought him for this answer he spoke to me and said, “You are not of this world. You are my son and you represent a different realm. You will never have to worry about taxes again.” Now when I heard this I was concerned because I didn’t know God well enough to trust him with my taxes. This year I spent a week doing my taxes. I made a lot more money than I expected last year. After going to 12 to 14 nations the expenses were high but the money that I made was higher. It was the first time since I started running my business that I made a profit. I was very surprised by my reaction. I was so excited because I knew in my heart that God blessed me last year and that the profit was a sign of his blessing. The Lord had given me the scripture about Peter getting the gold coin out of the mouth of the fish to pay the temple tax for him and Jesus. That scripture always seemed so brazen to me. A part of me always felt like they should have earned the money in order to pay the taxes. But that is not what the essence of this story is about. I believe that Jesus did this miracle to show us how easy it will be for us to satisfy the world’s system. We are not slaves to the world or its systems any longer but we are more than conquerors. I believe he was showing us this so that we wouldn’t live below the system but above it. My tax bill this year was very big. In the natural it could have taken me a year to pay it. In fact I talked to my accountant and asked him what would happen if I couldn’t pay it. He said it probably wouldn’t be a good idea but you would pay interest. I had that conversation with him on a Wednesday and by Friday I had 90% of the money given to me for the taxes. In another week we paid the tax bill in full without it even being a hardship at all. I told you this story to show you how the Lord’s voice works. He said that I would not have a problem with taxes. When I heard this word first I was definitely refreshed because I actually knew in my heart that God spoke it. And the truth of the word was confirmed one year later when it was it happened in reality. I learned once again that no word from the Lord will ever fail (Luke 1:37). I pray that God elevates you with his voice so that the things of this world will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace. I pray you will learn the walk of faith by hearing his voice so clearly. Darren Canning Revivalist

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