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God's Glory is going to Overwhelm and Heal You

Over the last few days I have been hearing God say that he is about to tear the walls down in our lives that keep us bound in anxiety and fear. I have been hearing that he is about to accelerate this healing so that people will be prepared for the blessings that he has for them in the next season. This is a good reason to receive healing from the Lord. Yesterday I heard the Lord say that he is about to release the Guided Glory Missiles which will enter into the deepest places of resistance in our hearts. These are areas of our lives where we have been struggling emotionally for a long time. Some of the people that are about to receive his healing will even have clinical definitions given to them by the medical community and some of them will seem incurable in the natural. These glory bombs are going to overwhelm you with the love of God. You are going to see life differently. I remember about 5 years ago I had such a deliverance in my life that the very next day I saw colors differently. I was driving down a highway and couldn’t drive the car fast because all I wanted to do was look at the colors of God’s creation. I had never experienced a moment like that before. God is able to deliver us from anything. When I first came to Christ 12 years ago I was suffering with suicidal thoughts and with severe depression. I had fear so deep in my heart that I use to sleep on my mother’s floor because I didn’t want to sleep in my room alone because I was so afraid. I was 32 years of age. I wonder how many of us would be this honest. It makes me laugh now to see how far I have come. I couldn’t even sleep with the lights off back then. My testimony is that God showed up in dreams and visions and began to heal me of many of the things that held me captive in my life. When he began to speak to me I understood that he was the creator of the universe and I had nothing to fear. His healing never stops. He is constantly dealing with the pains of my heart and I am constantly receiving his grace day by day. This is what I believe is the renewal of the mind that the Apostle Paul spoke about. Romans 12:2 says “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.” AND 2 Corinthians 3:18 says “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” When we past the place of the flesh and enter beyond the veil into life in the spirit our emotions come to peace. What we need is the Holy Spirit to draw us deeper and deeper into the place of God’s thoughts for our lives. When his thoughts overwhelm us we become new because these help form a new identity inside of us. This identity is from God and not from Satan or man. It is an identity that helps us to truly function in the earth. Yesterday I heard the Lord say that the walls are coming down in people’s lives and he likened it to the walls of Jericho. He said that the enemy has strongholds in our lives that seem impenetrable but they are about to come down. These are areas of hurt that people have been living with for a long time. When God’s word comes to you like a flood you are going to be overwhelmed by his goodness and peace will enter into the places of brokenness in your life. The enemy will be silenced by the goodness of our Lord. You don’t have to worry because this is not something you can do by your own strength or power. This is something that God is going to do as a sign and wonder of his great love for you. What he does for your life will also become a possibility for many other lives. Your life is going to become a prophetic expression of the goodness of God. God wants to set every single person free. When he moves in your life he is saying that he can move in every life. The key for your life is to seek God with all your heart. The promise from God is that if you seek him you will find him if you seek him with all your heart (Jeremiah 29:13) and that which you seek is going to be more valuable that money can buy. It is the pearl of great price (Matthew 13:45-46). It is worth leaving all behind because that which Jesus has prepared for you is greater than anything you can ever imagine. My hope and my prayer for you is that you will find Christ in the center of your heart. Even now I see people with chains holding them down. Christ is standing beside you with a hammer that can destroy those chains. Just call out to him and he is faithful and will change your every circumstance. Father open up the floodgates and release a million thoughts of good into the people’s lives. Let them know that you love them and care for them and have a plan for them. Jeremiah 33:3 says, “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” This is not just a passage in the bible it is a promise and it is for you. When I first got this passage I woke up two nights in a row and on the clock it was 3:33am. I knew that God was saying something but wasn't sure what. A few days later I heard a preacher preach from this passage. I knew that it was God’s great joy to give me revelation for my life to bring healing and deliverance. And it is his joy to do the same for you. You are about to receive revelation that will set you free. So seek him and you will find him. Press into his heart and he will press toward you and great healing will come to you like a flood. Your mind will be overwhelmed by his Glory Missiles that are coming your way and you will walk and not grow weary and run and not faint.

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